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Corsair MM700 & Corsair Katar Pro XT

The Katar, as it happens, is the first quality gaming mouse I ever bought, and it served me very well until I went with my current wireless keyboard and mouse setup. You could say, therefore, with some accuracy, that the Katar is a product relatively close to my heart. The MM700, however, is part of a product series that I have been a very dedicated fan of for the better part of 5 years, now. Extended mouse mats are, in my view, really essential for those with desks large enough to accommodate them. Naturally, given the RGB craze that seemed to take the gaming PC market by storm c. 2015/16, even the mouse mat was eventually given the rainbow treatment. I am unsure who did this first (Razer, perhaps?), but now people having RGB mouse mats as part of their PCMR setup is seen relatively often. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it ‘commonplace,’ however.

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